Product Reviews

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Clean and simple
I had purchased a machine to make Electrolyzed Water --hypochlorous acid-- by adding salt, and it turned out I was just making Bleach! That's what you get if the PH balance in the water is wrong or you don't add enough vinegar. The Ozone Spray bottle just uses tap water with no additives and makes a better and safer cleaner. You can drink ozonated water. That's good enough for me!

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier Kit
Stays cool
Great Product! I've owned ozone water purifiers that used air pumps and air stones. All of them would overheat and fail if it was warm or humid or you ran them too long. The electrolytic ozone cell stays cool because it is underwater and has no moving parts. Plus it ozonates the water much faster so it doesn't have to run long.
Chris H

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Slight aseptic smell
There is a slight aseptic smell to the ozonated water if you open the lid. I assume this is what kills harmful bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms. I did not notice any chemical smell when I sprayed. It cleaned about the same as what I normally use.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Spraying it everywhere
I love this! U can't believe how well it works. I'm spraying everything I can!

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier 1 Gallon
Great for emergencies
Ozone beats UV sterilizers and uses less energy. This is a great emergency water purifier to keep around to guarantee a family safe drinkable water when they need it, and it plugs into a car adapter.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Stopped using vinegar to clean with
I have used Ozone Spray as a general surface cleaner for several months. I had only used vinegar and water to clean for years, but that leaves a home smelling like pickling and there is some question to how well it kills organisms. Ozone spray has only the faintest aroma, which is gone quickly. I have noticed it has slightly less stain-removing power but does better on grease. It is a natural, researched solution, well worth it.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Goes in the car
Great to use while traveling. When you go to a new place you have no idea who was there before you. Having this spray ready to go in the car, plugged into the car adapter gives us peace of mind without using disinfecting wipes or making our hands sticky.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
5 Stars

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
All-in-1 cleaner
Great All-in-1 multi-purpose Green Cleaner, ready to clean up any mess with no impact on the environment. No detergent packets to buy, just fill with water and plug it in.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Do Your Homework
Do Your Homework – Ozone water is proven just as effective as all the other disinfectant products but without the chemicals!

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Tried a competitors product
I bought an ozone spray device from another company that looked like a child's toy. There was no way to determine if it was doing what it was advertsied to. The Ozone Spray uses regular-sized bottles and they have tests strips to see exactly what the ozone output is so I'm satisfied.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
A game changer
Works great as a deodorizer without spraying artificial scents and chemicals all over everything. No perfumes or fragrances when you spray the ozone, but you stop smelling the odors. This works because the ozone attacks the bacteria that causes odors rather than covering them up. I'm allergic to all the odorants used in air fresheners, so Ozone Spray is a game changer for me.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Works on grease
I found Ozone Spray to be a good degreaser for the stove and countertops. I know it's working because water by itself does not dissolve grease.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
What other cleaner is safe to drink?
I'm impressed! It's all natural and food-safe so I can spray it to clean meat, fruits and vegetables! What other cleaner can do that? I was hesitant at first until I tried it, much easier than cleaning food with baking soda. I put fruits and vegetables in a colander and spray them on all sides. The ozone spray removes dirt, pesticides, wax, germs and bacteria and it's clean and safe to eat, no rinsing needed. What other cleaner does that?

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier Kit
A longer-term solution than filters
I like this product. The Anywhere Ozone Purifier is the lowest energy method to purify drinking water on the go for recreation or even survival. Water straws and filters work but are not a long-term solution. Solar cell charging can provide the USB power to run this.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Happy with it
I'm pretty happy with it. It makes a great floor cleaner because you don't leave soap drying anywhere and it is not harsh on materials.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Alternative to cleaners with bleach
I'm sold, finally an alternative to bleach! The active ingredient for strong cleaners always seems to contain "Sodium Hypochlorite" a.k.a. BLEACH! It's dangerous to breath, requires gloves and stains your clothing. This Ozone Spray contains no bleach and doesn't stain clothing or require gloves. You just spray it and go, to disinfect or spray and wipe to clean. Simple!

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Great for high-touch surfaces
Our businesses is always cleaning high-touch surfaces throughout the day. It's great to have something as powerful as alcohol but as harmless as water we can spray repeatedly on surfaces without buying more disinfectant wipes.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Cleans the tub
Does a great job for cleaning the bathtub. Also killing the mold without chemicals.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Don't know how but it works!
I don't know how it out-powers chlorine bleach, while being safe with no bad odor but it does! I can clean, sanitize, and deodorize all surfaces!

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Keeps fruits and vegetables fresh
I mostly use it to clean fruits and vegetables, especially spinach and green leaf lettuce. After spraying with ozone I use gallon bags for storage. Fruits and vegetables I clean this way stay fresh and crisp for a lot longer, especially organic strawberries which tend to go bad sooner without the ozone spray.

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier Kit
Convenient operation modes
I like that there is very little off-gassing. The tiny ozone bubbles dissolve into water rather than going into the air. The timer is convenient because I can set the operation mode for small or large water containers.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Everyone should own one
I think that everyone should own one for their household because it is sustainable and responsible. We throw away so much plastic and aerosol bottles and use way too many chemicals to do our cleaning. Ozone Spray is a the natural way to keep cleaning simple and help protect the environment from chemical waste and plastics.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Keeps laundry and the machine fresh
I use Ozone Spray on my laundry and it always comes out smelling fresher. Before, my washing machine was a source of mildew so much that I was constantly doing tub drains and rinsing with bleach. Just using Ozone Spray solved that!

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier Kit
Great to take anywhere
Great to take anywhere! Ozonated water is green chemistry! Water filters are disposable and get dirtier with each use. This is cleanable and reusable and can last indefinitely. You can purify a large enough volume of water to go anywhere.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Safely works on everything
Safely works on so many things. Worked on a smelly carpet spill. I sprayed the spot and wiped away the spill, then sprayed the spill several more times and it removed the smell.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Leaves no residue
It may seem like a small thing, but I like that you don't have to wipe it dry. You can spray an entire piece of furniture, even an entire room and never have to worry about leaving any type of residue, from children's toys to door knobs, just for the disinfection effects.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Only bathroom cleaner needed!
Ozone Spray does a good job in the bathroom where the scariest chemicals live. Does a great job killing mold on the shower curtain and disinfecting the toilet bowl! Before we were using three different chemicals in the bathroom, toilet bowl cleaner, a general cleaner for surfaces and a glass cleaner for the mirror. Ozone Spray is the only cleaner we need to use now in the bathroom.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Sprayer head broke
I bought a unit and the sprayer head stopped working properly. BoiE sent me a replacement sprayer head the next day. I don't like that it broke, but do like that the parts are easy to replace.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Good concept, but..
I like the concept of making a disinfectant out of water that doesn't require adding a recipe of other ingredients or leave a mess behind. The problem is that you have to keep it plugged into a USB adapter. You also have to buy test strips to verify its effectiveness. Other cleaners can last under the sink indefinitely. A good try to "go green" but not worth it for me.

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier Kit
Purified mountain stream water
Used this on a recent camping trip to purify water from a mountain stream. I could see the water change to purified drinking water before my eyes. The water tasted great! Safe water means peace of mind.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
Say no to artificial cover ups
I'm saying No to all scented cleaners that cover up the smell instead of actually getting rid of it. It's about time! Ozone Spray is a good product. Buy it.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
It does what it claims
It removed odors when I sprayed the trash can, the dishwasher seal, the smelly clothes washer basin and the cat litter box. I won't spray Glade or Lysol in my house or my car because it is not natural.

Product Purchased: Ozone Spray
We switched over
We switched over from another product to Ozone Spray for cleaning our gym mats because it doesn't leave a residue. This way we don't have to wipe down our mats again with water to clean off dried deposits. We learned that ozone in water kills the same 99.9% of germs as Hypochlorous acid without using bleach, quats or other chemical disinfectants. No more buying Activator Capsules!

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier 1 Gallon
Vital for storm prep
This product is vital for storm prep because you can make your water safe to drink. Wish I had known about these in Texas when we lost power and had to boil our drinking water and wait for the trucks to hand out bottled water. Never again will I be unprepared.

Product Purchased: Ozone Water Purifier Kit
First product I've seen like it
This is the first product I've seen like it. I have a Berkey water purifier and water purification tablets at home, but nothing I could take on the road to purify the volume of water I would potentially need on a long trip without bottled water.

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